The Parris Family










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  • I am forever thankful that I met Natacha Parris one day 2016 on Facebook. Never had I seen a possible mentor showing me the fruit of intentional work and passion in her own family. Her work with personal development inspired me to grow and create a better atmosphere at home in My family. To be a parent and then become your daughters best friend like Alexis & Natacha are also made My relationship with My mum better. I started to open up more with My mum and also visited My sister more often. I started to value My family more. I started also to see patterns that I could change with some new structures and rules. Positive family meetings and spending time together with better Communication felt awesome, Most of all I have become more confident and I have learned to be a better leader for My two teens. I Wish I had The support earlier but it is never too late to change and be more intentional as a parent. From My heart to you The 8 Parris members , I Love you all and your sharings

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    Anna Mikkelgaard
  • The Parris family is the new picture of what a healthy American family looks like. Above all they emanate the light of God and love and are one of the only families I know that are committed to every family member excelling. This family has helped me in so many ways, but most of all in understanding how to raise rock star kids. My parenting has excelled by watching the results from the family. Alexis and Nataijah specifically are living proof of my vision for my children in their generation. They are leaders and it shows. The world will be better because of them.

    Cheesette Cowan
  • I honestly don't even know where to start, the impact the parris family has had on me has been nothing but phenomenal. I've never really known which path is the right path for me until i really connected with this EXCELLENT family! They have literally guided me on a path of faith , vision , clarity, and most of all a believer. When i talk to natacha i know i can be 100 % truthful 100% real and i know that there is NO judgment, there's only pure love and the want to serve and help you in anyway she's capable of. This family is full of so much wisdom, i would in a heart beat recommend this family to anyone looking to better themselves or their family.

    Kassy Colp